Facebook New Gender Options

Nevjerojatno, ali istinito! Najpopularnija svjetska društvena mreža Facebook počela je s propagandom rodne ideologije i to na najbizarniji mogući način.

Naime, Facebook od sada u korisničkim postavkama neće nuditi odabir između ‘samo’ dva spola. Korisnici Facebooka od sada će sebe moći pronaći između čak PEDESET (50) novih spolova. Da, dobro ste pročitali, Facebook uvodi pedeset novih spolova!

Nove opcije uključuju ‘cisender’, ‘transrodne’ i ‘interseksualne’ vrste. Facebook je korisnicima omogućio odabrati i neutralnu zamjenicu, prema kojoj će se o njima govoriti kao o ‘onima’ i ‘njihovom’. Facebook je na ovu ideju s tolikim rasponom pojmova došao nakon konzultacija s vodećim gay i transrodnim aktivistima.

Značajka je osmišljena kako bi pomogla tzv. transrodnim korisnicima ove društvene mreže. “Bit će puno ljudi kojima to neće ništa značiti, ali onima na koje će to utjecati, će to značiti cijeli svijet”, rekla je softverska inžinjerka Brielle Harrison. Brielle je radila na ovom projektu, a i sama se podvrgava postupku promjene spola iz muškog u žensko. Također, za vrijeme nadzora softvera, i sama je promijenila svoj Facebook spolni identitet iz žensko u ‘TransŽensko’.

Spolovi su trenutno objavljeni samo na engleskom jeziku, no nije nam poznato hoće li se prevoditi i na hrvatski. Pitanje je postoje li uopće hrvatski izrazi za sve ove izmišljene spolove? Postavljamo Vam engleske izraze za tih pedeset spolova, pa procijenite sami…

Agender (describes people who lack a gender)
Androgyne (is a non-binary gender identity. Androgynes may possess traits that are simultaneously feminine and masculine, or neither)
Bigender (a person who feels that their gender is fully male and fully female, or any pair of genders, generally by switching between the two)
Cis (cisgender and cissexual are a closely related class of gender identities where an individual’s gender identity matches the behavior or role considered appropriate for one’s sex)
Cis Female
Cis Male
Cis Man
Cis Woman
Cisgender Female
Cisgender Male
Cisgender Man
Cisgender Woman
Female to Male

FTM (FTM is an abbreviation for ‘female-to-male’ transsexual)
Gender Fluid (those moving between genders)
Gender Nonconforming (or gender variant is behaviour or gender expression that does not conform to dominant gender norms of male and female)
Gender Questioning
Gender Variant
(a catch-all term for gender identities other than man and woman)
Intersex (a person born with sexual anatomy, reproductive organs, and/or chromosome patterns that do not fit the typical definition of male or female)
Male to Female
(taken to mean ‘non-gendered class.’ It refers to a gender identity which is also called null-gendered on occasion)
Non-binary (gender identities that don’t fit within the accepted binary of male and female. People can feel they are both, neither, or some mixture thereof)
(similar to Androgyne)
Trans (transgender people are people who are born into a body not associated with their gender, or were assigned a sex that does not match their gender)
Trans Female
Trans Male
Trans Man
Trans Person
(the asterisk creates an umbrella term that specially encompasses every single gender identity)
(a subset of transgender, and refers generally to people who identify as a sex other than that they were assigned at birth)
Transexual Female
Transexual Male
Transexual Man
Transexual Person
Transexual Woman
Transgender Female
Transgender Person
(describes those who were assigned female at birth, but identify as more male than female)
Two-spirit (describes Indigenous North Americans who fulfill one of many mixed gender roles found traditionally among many Native Americans and Canadian First Nations indigenous groups)

Autor: F.Č./Z.P.
Foto: AP